Monday, July 28, 2008

how to knit legwarmers

If you are looking for the perfect gift for that special newborn baby, why not consider a knit baby blanket? In this article, I will attempt to explain some of the basic knitting stitches and everything they encompass.

Different methods of casting on are used for different effects: one may be stretchy enough for lace, while another provides a decorative edging Provisional cast-ons are used when the knitting will continue in both directions from the cast-on. Flat knitting is usually used to knit flat pieces like scarves, blankets, afghans, and the backs and fronts of sweaters. Individual stitches, or rows of stitches, may be made taller by drawing more yarn into the new loop (an elongated stitch), which is the basis for uneven knitting: a row of tall stitches may alternate with one or more rows of short stitches for an interesting visual effect.

Circular knitting is employed to create pieces that are circular or tube-shaped, such as hats, socks, mittens, and sleeves. Whereas the second crochet hook is used for skipped, or drooped stitches specially stitches like tufting. Circular needles are great for knitting sweaters or afghans.

The dyeing of yarns is a complex art. In general, yarns become stronger with more twist (also called worst), longer fibers and thicker yarns (more fibers); for example, thinner yarns require more twist than do thicker yarns to resist breaking under tension.

Keep looking around this site for lots of tips, patterns, resources and ideas. It will just some time at the beginning, but you will learn and get experience.

Free Knit Patterns For Baby Aphgans for beginners Knit Patterns For Cat Sweaters instructions

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